Ethical AI and Algorithmic Governance (English Language)
Introduction to Islamic Finance Model (English Language) (E-learning)
Cybercrime Law (E-learning) (English Language)
M&A Sale and Purchase Agreement (E-learning course) (English Language)
Civil Procedure Code – New Law (E-learning) (English Language)
Intelligent Failing Towards Greater Success
AI-Powered Business Operations (BB15-143)
Regulatory Strategies for Governing AI Systems (BB15-144)
AI and ESG: How to Navigate Sustainable Investments
Strategic Advantage: Applying AI Ethics in Legal Practice
AI and its Implications for Judicial Decision-Making
Driving Innovation: Leveraging AI in Legal Representation
AI and the Future of Work: Navigating Skill Development and Leadership
AI Horizons: Navigating the Future of Intelligent Technology
Construction Law and Arbitration
Common law contract principles
Managing Fear of Uncertainty (BB15-140)
Overview of Tax Implications & CARF
Global Control of Crypto and Regulatory Arbitrage
Fundamentals of Tokenomics
Environmental Impact & Climate Issues- ESG
Key Enforcements on VA Landscape in the UK & EU
Ethics in the Metaverse (Arabic Language)
Carriage of Goods (E-learning Course) (Arabic Language) AA15
Chat GPT: How to make it a useful tool (BB15-139)
Atomic Habits – How The Little Things Make You Even More Powerful
Be Brilliant – Enhance Your Emotional Literacy Skills
Intro to Smart Contracts (BB15-142)
IP, Copyright, and Trademark
NFT as Digital Property and Real Asset
DeFi Demystified: A Practical Guide to Decentralised Finance
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Measures in Virtual Asset Sector
Unlocking Web 3.0: Harnessing Blockchain and Virtual Assets for Success
Pathological Arbitration Clauses and How to Cure Them (BB15-141)
International Leadership (BB15-138)
IP, Copyright, & Trademark
Emotional Literacy – A Gateway to a Healthy Workplace
Manage Emotions – Minimize Drama (Conflict)
Carriage of Goods (E-learning Course) (English Language) AA15
Dubai Mortgage Law
Jointly owned properties: Management and governing rules
Leasing contract (Arabic Language – AED 400)
International commercial contract (Arabic Language – AED 400)
Legal Framework of Initial Public Offering in the UAE
Tax Considerations of Business Transactions
Avoid Burnout to Build Performance
Making Changes
Family Business Law
International Sales Agreement (E-learning Course) (Arabic Language) BB15
Managing your Time (Arabic Language) (E-learning course) AA11
Half VARAC Masterclass Part 2
Half VARAC Masterclass Part 1
International Sales Agreement (E-learning Course) (English Language) BB15
Data Protection Law (E-learning Course) (Arabic Language) BB15
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
Be like Ted Lasso
Data Protection Law (E-learning Course) (English Language) BB15
Virtual Assets Regulation And Compliance Masterclass
Tax Implications of VA & Key Enforcements on VA Landscape in the US
Environmental Impact & Climate Issues- ESG & Fundamentals of Tokenomics
KYC + UBO & Key Enforcements on VA Landscape in the UK & EU
Regulation of Marketing, Advertising, & Promotion & Intro to DAOs
Cybersecurity & Data Protection, & Privacy & The Global control of Arbitrage
IP, Copyright, & Trademark & Intro to Smart Contracts
Risk-based Approach to VASPs & NFT as Digital Property & Real Asset
Virtual Assets Law in Dubai & Fundamentals of Cryptocurrency, DeFi, CeFi
Anti-Money Laundering & Protection of Digital Assets
Global Virtual Asset Regulation & Intro to Web 3, Blockchain
Introduction to Real Estate Laws in Dubai (Updated content – e-learning course) (English Language) – AA13
Jurisdiction and enforcement in the UAE (Updated content – e-learning course) (English Language) – AA13
Practical Aspects in UAE Arbitration
Corporate Income Tax Law in the UAE
UAE Legal Framework (Updated content – e-learning course) (Arabic Language) - AA13
Trademarks (Update) Part 2
Trademarks (Update) Part 1
Introduction to the Cryptocurrency for Law
Anatomy of a corporation
Introduction to the Metaverse
History, the Current State of the Metaverse & its Impact on Industries
DAOs and Governance by Code
Intellectual Property Framework in the UAE: Local law and global trends
Managing Your Time
Decrypting Crypto 2
Decrypting Crypto 1
Workplace Vitality for Sustained Performance
Intro to Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
Employment (Updated content – e-learning course) (Arabic Language) - AA13
Protect Yourself from Crypto Frauds
Crypto Regulations in the UAE
Introduction and overview of the UAE Criminal Procedural Law (E-learning) (English Language) - AA15
Developing Resilience at work
Ethics: A comparative analysis of global ethics (Arabic Language)
Fundamentals of Virtual Assets
Ethics: A comparative analysis of global ethics (English Language)
Introduction and overview of the UAE Criminal Procedural Law (Updated Content) (E-learning course) AA15 (Arabic Language)
DIFC Employment Law (Updated)
Promoting mental health in the legal profession (Arabic Language) (E-learning course) BB15
Customs Law
Consumer protection in Aviation law
Culture II – Creating Inclusion & Engagement to Drive Performance
Enhancing the Employee Experience to Elevate Performance
Commercial Agency & Competition (Update) (Updated content – e-learning course) – AA13
Legal Framework of Contract Termination in the UAE (Arabic Language) (E-learning) BB15
Five steps to empower yourself and to achieve your ideal work-life balance
Leverage on your EQ to negotiate with success
How to turn a conflict into an opportunity
Leveraging LinkedIn
Developing Blockchain Platforms for Firms (E-learning course)
Suretyship (Personal guarantee) under UAE Laws (Arabic Language – AED 400)
BOT Contracts (Arabic Language – AED 400)
Promoting mental health in the legal profession (English Language) (E-learning course) BB15
Legal Framework of Contract Termination in the UAE (English Language) (E-learning course) BB15
Dubai Property Law (E-learning course) – AA15 (Arabic Language)
Dubai Property Law (E-learning course) - AA15 (English Language)
Drafting – Clear Communication and Legal Words & Meanings (Updated content – e-learning course) – AA13
Types of UAE Corporate Entities and Doing Business under the UAE Law (Updated content – e-learning course) – AA13
Influencing without authority
Developing Business in the UAE
Economic Substance Regulation in the UAE
Presenting Powerfully
Civil Transactions Law in context (Updated content – e-learning course) - AA13
Employment (Updated content – e-learning course) (English Language) - AA13
UAE Legal Framework (Updated content – e-learning course) - AA13
High Impact Communication using Emotional Intelligence
Driving Performance through Firm/Corporate Culture
UAE Cultural Awareness Training
Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
Time Management
Legal Ethics in a post-Covid world (Arabic Language)
Assignments and Liens in UAE Law
The Commercialisation of IP
Joint Venture (Arabic Language - AED 400)
Real Securities (Arabic Language - AED 400)
Legal Ethics in a post-Covid world (English Language)
Legal Project Management (LPM) Part 2: The Agile Lawyer
Blockchain and Smart Contracts (E-learning course)
Gender and Equal Pay
Collaboration in a Changing Workplace
Emotionally Intelligent Negotiations
UAE and DIFC Employment Law: An Update
Introduction to Legal Project Management (LPM)
Leading the Multi-Generational Law Firm (Part 2)
Remedies for Breach of Contract Under UAE Law
Forum Selection Agreements
Leading the Multi-Generational Law Firm (Part 1)
Psychological Resilience: Developing Skills to Thrive in the Workplace
Principled Negotiation for Lawyers
The Doctrine of Frustration under English Law and COVID 19
The Electronic Contract E-Learning (Arabic Language)
Parties’ obligations in the Franchise Agreement (Arabic Language)
MANDATORY E-Learning Course: Ethics Anti-Money Laundering – The New Regulations (Arabic Language)
Enforcement and Recognition of Arbitration Awards Onshore, the DIFC and ADGM
MANDATORY E-Learning Course: Ethics Anti-Money Laundering – The New Regulations (English Language)
Introduction to Legal Technology - Part 2
Financial Regulation in the UAE
Succession Planning in the UAE
Keeping you and your team engaged – Part 2: Leading others
Keeping you and your team engaged - Part 1: Helping myself
Introduction to VAT in the UAE
Resilience for Times of Change and Challenge
Free Zones
Drafting Commercial Obligations
Next Level of Mindsets for Innovation – Leading Through Change
Emotionally Intelligent Dispute Resolution
Presentation Skills from Planning to Performance E-learning Course
Muqawala Contract (Arabic Language - AED 400)
Joint Ownership (Arabic Language - AED 400)
Soft Skills for Leaders E-learning Course
Making the Most of Business Meetings E-learning Course
Communication to Influence E-learning Course
The Importance of Coaching in the Workplace E-learning Course
Presenting Data to Clients E-Learning Course
Tech Tips for Lawyers E-Learning Course
Data Privacy In light of innovation
Coaching Masterclass – A Power Career Tool
Mindful Leadership – Fit to Lead
The Enforcement of a Foreign Arbitral Award under the New York Convention 1958
Damages for Breach of Contract under English Contract Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution (English Language)
Arabic Legal Drafting Skills (ARABIC LANGUAGE)
Civil Procedure Code - An overview and update
Arbitration under the UAE Federal Arbitration Law 2018
Ethics and Governance (ARABIC LANGUAGE)
The Principle of Impartiality and Independence in International Arbitration
Injunctive Relief and Arbitration
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Arabic Language - AED 400)
Common Law of Contracts (Arabic Language - AED 400)
Provisions of Nominality under UAE Civil Transactions Law (ARABIC LANGUAGE)
Ethics and Governance (ENGLISH LANGUAGE)
Case Review Series: Legal Highlights on Foreign Direct Investment and Arbitration Law
Case Review Series: Damages in Focus
Challenging the Arbitral Award at the Seat of Arbitration
Drafting to Communicate (see Target Audience)
Managing Difficult Client Situations E-learning Course
How to Structure Investments in the Middle East and Africa through the UAE
Intl. Commercial Arbitration and Drafting Valid Arbitration Agreements
Arbitration: Key Concepts of Practice and Procedure
Exclusion and Limitation Clauses in UAE
Cyber Security and Legal Frameworks (Arabic Language - AED 400)
Estate and Will under UAE Personal Affairs Law
DISCover Your Behavioural Style to Improve Client Relationships and Communications E-Learning Course
Ethics – Client Care & Conflict of Interests (ARABIC LANGUAGE)
Ethics - Client Care & Conflict of Interests (ENGLISH LANGUAGE)
Powers of Attorney and Ostensible Authority
Introduction to Business Development for Lawyers
Ethics – Know Your Client (ARABIC LANGUAGE)
Ethics - Legal Consultant Accounts (ARABIC LANGUAGE)
Introduction to UAE Construction Law E-learning Course - BB15-20
ACCREDITED E-learning Course: Anti-Money Laundering
Ethics - Know Your Client (ENGLISH LANGUAGE)
Ethics - Legal Consultant Accounts (ENGLISH LANGUAGE)