
For any further enquiries, please go to Contact Us page and e-mail the Department's CLPD Affairs Committee.

Scope of Application

Q1. To whom do the CLPD Regulations apply currently?

A1. If you are a Legal Consultant registered on the Department’s roll in the category of practising Legal Consultants, then the CLPD Regulations apply to you. If you are a Legal Consultant registered on the Department’s roll in the non-practising category, then the CLPD Regulations do not apply to you. The CLPD Regulations do not apply to the Legal Consultants employed by government entities, agencies or companies and other entities which do not provide legal services to the public.

Q2. How do I find out when the CLPD Programme courses are held?

A2. You can view the course schedules by visiting the course schedule portal (calendar) on this website.

Q3. How do I pay for my training courses?

A3. Payments can be made for participation in Mandatory Activities online by purchasing credits or via bank transfer. As for Accredited Activities, please check with their provider.

Q4. To whom the payment for attending a training activity is made?

A4. The CLPD registration payment fee is made to the CLPD Activity provider.

Q5. Do I need to pay for the course before I can attend that course?

A5. Yes. You will not be allowed to attend a course without paying for that course in advance. If you are experiencing difficulty in using the online payment method, please contact one of the customer service agents on +971 4 3533337 or send an e-mail to Training.Development@legal.dubai.gov.ae

Q6. Why do I need to participate in CLPD courses?

A6. Completion of the CLPD requirements can improve your skills and working experience, which will in turn advance the level of legal services and ensure continued public confidence in the profession and its practitioners.

Q7. What are the CLPD Mandatory Points?

A7. These are the eight (8) Points of the Mandatory training courses that cover core subjects and must be completed by a Legal Consultant during the filing period.

Q8. Who is providing the Mandatory Courses?

A8. The Department has selected specific Advocacy and Legal Consultancy Firms located in Dubai as Accredited CLPD Course Providers to work alongside internationally recognised training companies to provide the Mandatory Courses. In selecting these Advocacy and Legal Consultancy Firms, the Department has relied on the unique experiences and knowledge of those firms. All of these courses will be provided by instructors experienced in the legal subject matter of each respective course, which will result in a CLPD Programme with a consistent standard of excellence.

Q9. I have to comply with CLPD obligations in my home jurisdiction; do I need to do it here also?

A9. Yes. Each Legal Consultant is required to complete the mandated CLPD Programme of the Department. However, if your home jurisdiction is recognised as a provider of CLPD in accordance with the curriculum approved by the Department, then you can get use of the courses attended in your home jurisdiction, that will be counted at a maximum of two (2) points towards your non-mandatory CLPD Accredited Points.

Q10. Will the CLPD Mandatory Courses be changed?

A10. Yes. The ethos of the Department is that Mandatory Courses will develop and change each filing period to reflect the needs of the profession and the legal work in the Emirate.

Q11. If I have completed more CLPD courses than required in one filing period, can I carry the excess over to another filing period?

A11. Yes, you may carry over a maximum of two (2) points to count towards (non-mandatory) Accredited Points for the subsequent filing period.

Q12. How can I enrol in Accredited (non-mandatory) CLPD courses?

A12. A Legal Consultant will be registered in the courses provided by CLPD course provided approved by the Department. The CLPD Affairs Committee of the Department will ensure compliance with certain requirements by course providers before they are granted accreditation. It is important for the Legal Consultant to check with the CLPD Activity provider is accredited by the Department. If a provider is not accredited, no CLPD Points will be given for that Legal Consultant. For a full list of accredited providers, please click here.

Q13. What happens if the legal consultant failed to register / registered late?

A13. There is only a limited amount of CLPD courses in a given filing period. The Legal Consultant must register on such courses otherwise their registration may be subject to non-renewal and consequently this will prevent them from practising the profession in the Emirate of Dubai.

Q14. Can CLPD Requirements be amended?

A14. Yes, as per the corresponding procedures set by the Department. Amendments will be made on a case by case basis through the CLPD Affairs Committee.

Q15. Can a Knowledge Manager/Legal Consultancy Firm Manager block book sessions for his staff and allocate these later?

A15. Yes, this can be arranged through the web portal. (Register) For more details please call the Department on +971 4 3533337

Q16. Who keeps a record of CLPD?

A16. Each Legal Consultant must maintain a complete record of all the CLPD courses he has undertaken in each filing period. The Legal Consultant must also complete, sign and file his CLPD Record with the Department within thirty (30) days from the lapse of the filing period, in accordance with the relevant procedures prescribed by the Department.

Q17. What happens if the Legal Consultant failed to file his CLPD Record?

A17. If the Legal Consultant failed to file his CLPD Record, the CLPD Affairs Committee will send him a notice to that end. In the event of continued non-compliance, the Legal Consultant shall be subject to non-renewal of his Registration and the provisions prescribed for in the Executive Council Resolution No. (22) of 2011 Concerning Fees and Fines Prescribed for the Advocacy and Legal Consultancy Profession in the Emirate of Dubai.

Q18. Will the Legal Consultant be able to file an application for renewal of registration to practise the profession if he has not completed CLPD Requirements within the filing period?

A18. No, the Legal Consultant will not be able to renew his Registration with the Department in the event he did not complete the CLPD Requirements within the filing period. The Legal Consultant will also be subject to the provision prescribed for in Executive Council Resolution No. 22 of 2011 concerning Fees and Fines for the Advocacy and Legal Consultancy Profession in the Emirate of Dubai.

Q19. What are the "focused" sessions?

A19. The "focus" sessions have been designed as a moderated discussion session to look in further detail into a specific element of the subject of a mandatory activities, the sessions are aimed at Legal Consultants who have extensive experience in the subject matter or who have already undertaken the relevant overview course.

Q20. What is a block session?

A20. Block Session is the ability to book a course for a group of legal consultants from one law firm or more.

Q21. What are the conditions and requirements of a block session?

A21. 1. Can be booked any day of the week except Friday 2. Between 9:00AM to 6:00PM. 3. Minimum of 16 and maximum of 40 attendees per session. 4. More than one course could be booked per day. 5. All bookings are subject to the availability of the trainer and Training Centre. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details and bookings: CLPDadmin@creativeword.ae



Q1. How long a CLPD Record must be kept?

A1. For purposes of audit to be conducted by the Department, each Legal Consultant is required to keep the CLPD Record and documentation for three (3) years after each filing period. The documentation you maintain should consist of the following: proof of registration for the CLPD Activity; and confirmation of your attendance by the CLPD Activity provider of e.g. a certificate of completion or attendance.

Q2. Will the CLPD record be subject to audit?

A2. The Department may review CLPD Records at any time for a period of up to three (3) years after each filing period. The Department will give a Legal Consultant fifteen (15) calendar days from the notice of the audit, within which the Legal Consultant must produce all data and documentation evidencing completion of CLPD Requirements.

Q3. What happens in the event of failure to comply with the Audit procedures or when it is established that a violation has been committed?

A3. If a Legal Consultant fails to comply with the audit requirements or, if an audit reveals that a Legal Consultant did not comply with the CLPD Requirements, the Legal Consultant will be subject to Executive Council Resolution No. (22) of 2011 Concerning Fees and Fines Prescribed for the Advocacy and Legal Consultancy.

Q4. Which penalties can be imposed on a Legal Consultant who fails to comply with the CLPD Requirements?

A4. 1- financial fines; 2- Suspension from practising for a period of up to one (1) year; and 3- Striking off the roll. The Department shall have the right to not renew the registration of any Legal Consultant who does not comply with the CLPD requirements. A grievance against such penalties can be submitted as prescribed in Executive Council Resolution No. (22) of 2011 Concerning Fees and Fines Prescribed for the Advocacy and Legal Consultancy in the Emirate of Dubai, bylaws and resolutions issued by the Department.

Q5. CLPD Requirements for New Legal Consultants

A5. Legal Consultants who do not have an academic degree in Law from the UAE, and who are registered on the Roll to practise the profession in the Emirate of Dubai for the first time, must - within twelve (12) months of their initial registration with the Department – obtain twenty four (24) CLPD Points and must pass any tests set by the Department. The Department will determine a commencement date for such requirements, based on the information which will be issued by the Department soon.

Q6. Is pro bono legal work eligible for CLPD Points?

A6. Yes, Legal Consultants can earn one (1) Accredited CLPD Point for every twelve (12) pro bono appointments completed through the Department’s Voluntary Legal Services Smart Portal, up to a maximum of four (4) Accredited CLPD Points for a Filing Period. To access the Portal, please click HERE.