
Injunctive Relief and Arbitration

Course Type






Course Description:

***Counts towards the certificate in International Commercial Arbitration*** The course will be delivered by experienced senior lecturers from the University of East Anglia. Target Audience: Lawyers, in house lawyers, policy makers, and judges Description: This course examines the types of interim relief that can be granted in international arbitration by the English courts. The course considers major international instruments such as the Model Law, with reference to UAE Federal Arbitration Law 2018 where appropriate. Areas Covered:
  • The importance of interim relief to arbitration.
  • When it might be appropriate to seek interim relief and where such relief should be sought.
  • The test applied by the courts in granting such relief.
  • The effectiveness of such relief.
The courses are delivered either by Dr Youseph Farah or Dr Hakeem Seriki.