
International commercial contract (Arabic Language – AED 400)

Course Type






Course Description:

International commercial agreements have been recognized as the most important and effective pillars in the economic life. Indeed, they have become today an indispensable phenomenon in the economic spheres as they spread in a stunning and striking way. These contracts are diversified as they govern international transactions that are constantly evolving. The course of international commercial agreements aims at providing the lawyers with an in-depth understanding of the international commercial agreement, including the criteria of its qualification, parties thereto and their guarantees. The course will also deal with the conclusion of international agreements, from negotiation to drafting. It will cover as well the topic of choice of law in this type of agreements in addition to the methods of resolving disputes arising out of these contracts. In this course, we will tackle the following topics: 1. What is an international commercial agreement? The judicial and the economic criteria; 2. Conventions related to international commercial contracts; 3. Definition of a party to an international commercial contract; 4. Guarantees of parties to an international commercial agreement: the letter of credit and letter of guarantee; 5. Managing negotiations to conclude an international commercial contract; 6. The content of the international commercial agreement; 7. Drafting an international commercial contract: general principles and some typical boilerplate clauses; 8. The choice of a domestic law and the role of the lex mercatoria; 9. Methods of resolving disputes in international commercial contracts