
KYC + UBO & Key Enforcements on VA Landscape in the UK & EU

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Course Description:

Know Your Customers (KYC) & Ultimate Beneficiary Ownership (UBO) Course description: In virtual asset regulation, it is extremely important to understand the Know Your Customers (KYC) & Ultimate Beneficiary Ownership (UBO) procedures. Both KYC and UBO are important for preventing fraud and money laundering as they provide insight into the identity and ownership of customers and entities. Additionally, they can help ensure compliance with laws and regulations by providing more transparency into customer accounts as well as allowing investments that have gone through due diligence to be distinguished. Learning objectives: • Explain what are VASPs and the nature of their activities in the market • Discuss the function and importance of KYC and UBO in combatting financial crime • Identify steps and requirements during the onboarding of VASPs • Analyse examples of various jurisdictions adhering to the FATF Guidance 2019 • Compare the pros and cons of manual vs. automated KYC and UBO check Key Enforcements on VA Landscape in the UK & EU This session will highlight landmark cases and enforcements related to crypto and other virtual assets in the UK & EU. Learning objectives: • Explain case background and parallel actions and their impacts to the future of virtual asset enforcement • Explore different enforcement tools in pursuing criminal fraud and manipulation related to virtual assets • Assess potential risks such as fraud and manipulation when investing for virtual assets