
You can now earn Accredited CLPD Points from Pro Bono Legal Work undertaken through the Voluntary Legal Services Smart Portal. Click HERE to find out more.

The Voluntary Legal Services Smart Portal

The Voluntary Legal Services Smart Portal is an online pro bono platform launched by the Department that seamlessly connects members of the public seeking legal assistance to volunteering advocates and legal consultants in the Emirate of Dubai.

Earn CLPD Points through Pro Bono Legal Work

In accordance with Administrative Resolution No. (33) of 2018 issued by the Department, pro bono work undertaken by Legal Consultants through the Portal shall be approved as Accredited CLPD Activities. Twelve (12) completed appointments through the Portal shall be accredited as one (1) Accredited CLPD Point, up to a maximum of four (4) Accredited CLPD Points for the Filing Period.

To access or find out more about the Voluntary Legal Services Smart Portal, please click HERE or contact us at probono@legal.dubai.gov.ae /+971 4 353 3337.