
Succession Planning in the UAE

Course Type






Course Description:

Objectives: The aim of this course is to provide attendees with an understanding on how inheritance matters are dealt with in the UAE for both Muslims and Non-Muslims. Attendees will learn about Islamic Wills, Non Muslims Wills (DIFC and ADJD) and alternative Sharia compliant options for succession planning including Heba, Waqf and the latest on Trusts and Foundations. Attendees will learn about the effects of Covid-19 so far on succession planning, what steps have been taken to combat the repercussions of the current climate. What further measures can be considered for emergency situation succession planning in these unprecedented times. Course Description: The Course will look at inheritance and succession planning as it was and how it has changed as a result of the current pandemic. 1. Overview on the UAE legal system 2. Inheritance matters in the UAE and the relevant applicable laws. 3. WILLS - Specific services for Non-Muslims - DIFC Wills Service Center & ADJD Wills, how Non-Muslims can register a valid will, practical advice and guidance. 4. Wills for Muslims- Al-wassiyya – the limitations and conditions that apply for Muslims making a Will. 5. Heba- an alternative option to distribute assets during one’s life time , discuss the rules and conditions that apply to ensure the validity of the gift. 6. Waqfs – Discuss the 2 new applicable laws and the implementation. 7. Trusts & Foundations 8. Effects of Covid-19 so far 9. Emergency Succession Planning in light of Covid-19 including repatriation, relocation or death of testator or beneficiary.