
The Enforcement of a Foreign Arbitral Award under the New York Convention 1958

Course Type






Course Description:

***Counts towards the certificate in International Commercial Arbitration*** The course will be delivered by experienced senior lecturers from the University of East Anglia.   Target Audience: Lawyers, in house lawyers, policy makers and judges. Course Description: This course will outline the role the NYC 1958 plays in giving effect to the arbitration agreement, control of parallel proceedings, enforcement of arbitral awards, and the grounds, which can be used in order to challenge recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award. Course learning outcomes: • Understanding the provisions determining the scope of the New York Convention. • Considering the provisions dealing with the validity of the arbitration agreement, and control of parallel proceedings concerning identical or similar matters between a court and an arbitral tribunal. • Understanding the procedural and substantive grounds upon which the recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award can be challenged under Article V of the New York Convention 1958. • Brief assessment of the new UAE Federal Law No.6 on Arbitration 2018 (Arbitration Law) and UAE court jurisprudence in relation to recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award. The courses are delivered either by Dr Youseph Farah or Dr Hakeem Seriki.