
Resilience for Times of Change and Challenge

Course Type






Course Description:

Course Description: Times of change and challenge test our ability to adapt to the limit and also provide a unique learning opportunity to strengthen resilience and fine tune our ability to work skilfully with our minds, emotions and thoughts. In this 2 hour program you will learn essential evidence based resilience tools and techniques, drawn from mindfulness and positive psychology approaches to enable you to meet the challenges of 21st Century living with greater confidence, mental strength and effectiveness. Areas Covered: • Understand the neuroscience of ‘stress resilience’ and the 3 essential elements of adaptive resilience. • Learn the importance of adaptive and agile mindsets for high performance and wellbeing. • Understand your hard-wired response to change and challenge and how to habituate an optimal response to the challenges of life. • Learn daily practices to heighten your ability to notice, manage and optimise resilient mindsets.